
Saturday, January 06, 2007


It is such a simple concept. Seconds, minutes, hours, days. The fourth dimension. then why the hell cant i find any of it.

I got up at 9 this morning to get my shit done. get some research done, follow that with some study and then get some practice for skills done. i ended up spending the day shopping for shit and cleaning my house.

these things needed to be done yes, but i just don't have time to do them anymore. So i have to cut something else out of my life to make time for other crap. what will it be this time. I have already cut out food. Movies are rare these days. Maybe food.

They say you can judge your successes by what you had to sacrifice to get it. Words to live by. I am not complaining, (well, ok, maybe just a little bit) but i did sign up for this and I am not sorry i did and i know there are other sacrifices to come. It just sucks every time something has to be given up to make room for something else. I hear that it only gets better from here on out (insert subtle chortling here).



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